7 Things to Know About Perseverance

It was a historic moment when the Perseverance rover landed its wheels on the lifeless planet Mars. This vehicle was


15 Things About the Milky Way

Out of all the innumerable galaxies in the vast universe, our solar system, specifically our planet Earth, is situated in


Aliens Might Have Already Found Us? Extraterrestrials Might Have Already Known our Existence

While earthlings are having extensive efforts to search for extraterrestrial life, we should also point out that aliens, if they


Black Hole — The Scariest Object in the Universe

If you were scared by the likes of Valak, Sadako, or even the due dates to pay your credit card

Famous Astronauts

Buzz Aldrin: The Pilot Who Never Wavered

Now the last surviving crew of Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin holds the distinction of being the second man to set


Curiosity Rover’s Surprising Discoveries

The National Aeronautics Space Administration is reluctant to gather substantial information regarding the red planet next to Earth — Mars.

Space History

Five Legendary Astronauts Who Have Walked on the Moon

The Cold War ensued after World War II, and it brought about great geological tensions between two of the most

Space History

From Ohio to the Moon: Neil Armstrong’s Journey as an Astronaut

Who knew that the multi-ethnical Neil Armstrong, who was born in Ohio, would one day be the first ever to

Space History

Important Things You Need to Know About the International Space Station

Humanity has a great debt of gratitude to science for explaining the great mysteries our vast universe has to offer.


International Space Station: Is It Heading Towards Oblivion?

Just after the sun’s zenith, when the world approaches evening twilight, the skies are sprawled with faint luminous dots that

Famous Astronauts

Michael Collins Recollects Historical Mission of Apollo 11

Inside the command module Columbia, Michael Collins orbited the lunar surface on the first Moon landing, keeping watch over two other astronauts

Famous Astronauts

Sally’s Ride to Space: The First American Woman To Be in Space, Sally K. Ride

What could you be doing at 32? Some people, at this age, had already become startup CEOs; others have become

Space History

Sputnik I’s Undeniable Legacy

Sputnik I, the world’s first artificial satellite, paved the way for space exploration. This was launched to space, specifically in


The Intimate Waltz of Sprites and Elves on Jupiter’s Atmosphere

Contrary to popular belief, lightning has the ability to strike the same place twice. What is lightning? Lightning is a


The Need for a $23 million Dollar Toilet in Space

The skies that blanket immense celestial objects have always fascinated mankind to a certain degree since the ancient days—planets and

Famous Astronauts

Traversing Space-Time: A Glimpse at John Glenn’s Stellar Existence

“I don’t know what you can say about a day when you see four beautiful sunsets…. This is a little

Space History

Two Countries: A Quest for the Stars – The Space Race and Its Major Events

After World War II ended in the middle of the 20th century, a new point of conflict began. Faced with


Worlds Beyond Worlds: Life in Mars

“Maybe we’re on Mars because of the magnificent science that can be done there — the gates of the wonder


Life: Is It Only Restricted to the Pale Blue Dot?

For the average person, talks about quarks, neutrinos, or exobiology can be hard to fathom. Some scientists have dedicated their

Space History

We Need to Remembering the Famous Moon Landing

“One giant leap for mankind” is probably the most iconic quote that encapsulates the enormous progress science has achieved over