Connie Stevens | Born 1938
$17 Million – Los Angeles

Connie Stevens is both an actress and a singer who is well-known for her performance in the television show Hawaiian Eye. With parents who are both musicians, music was already imprinted in her. As a child, she used to be part of The Foremost, a vocal quarter, before she entered Hollywood and got noticed by Jerry Lewis. She subsequently starred in RockRock-a-Bye Baby and takes acclaim for releasing several albums. Aside from the entertainment industry, she also devoted her time to business and launched the skin-care line Forever Spring. It is worth noting that the singer-actress also has investments in philanthropy and humanitarian causes.

With various castings and albums to her name, Connie Stevens enjoys her days in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles in a $17 million personal resort which boasts a rustic brick fireplace, a dining room separated from the backyard with glass slides, and an elegantly designed kitchen and a superb home security system.
