The world may find it challenging to comprehend that a man who previously struggled to secure film investments has gone on to become one of Hollywood’s most illustrious performers. Sylvester Stallone, dubbed “Hollywood’s Virile Man,” made a name for himself in the industry by landing modest roles and authoring screenplays. Stallone is best known for his typical garbled speech patterns and crooked smile.

Stallone was single-handedly responsible for bringing two of the most beloved characters to the silver screen: Rocky Balboa and John Rambo! His collaborations with other industry heavyweights such as Jean-Claude Van Damme and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the films The Expendables and The Expendables 2 have been commercial successes. Stallone recently used Instagram to promote his 75th birthday and posted training videos and showing off his weaponry. It seems like he is not aging to a grumpy older man after all.
