Sophia Loren | born 1934
$44.9 Million – Italy

Born Sofia Villani Scicolone in September 1934, Sophia Loren is a native of Italy. Despite belonging to the minority of those who were struck by poverty after the war with Naples, her beauty was not tarnished by adversity and she was recognized as one of the most beautiful women and most popular movie stars in Italy. Her earliest appearance on film was in Quo Vadis? which was directed by Carlo Ponti who would later on become Sophia’s husband. Subsequently, she gained traction as an actress for her role in Aida. With the support of her husband, Loren made it to Hollywood and took credit for starring in films such as Houseboat, It Started in Naples, The Pride and the Passion, and The Key.

It is reported that Loren and her husband live in a 24-acre villa along the hills of Rome. It is worth noting that the villa is as exquisite as the actress herself, boasting a dining room filled with volcanic rocks, a mosaic floor embedded with Alexander the Great’s portrait, and a panoramic view of Rome on the terrace.
