Sean Connery | Born 1930
$37.1 Million – Cap de Nice, France

Sean Connery, an actor from the United Kingdom, took his first strides to stardom in the 1950s by starring in several TV shows and movies in his home country. A decade after, he was cast as James Bond in Dr. No, Goldfinger, and Thunderball. In 1988, he took credit for an Academy as best supporting actor for his performance in The Untouchables. Prior to retirement, Connery starred in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. However, after his retirement from acting, he still lent his voice to Sir Bili, a 2012 animated film.

James Bond is known to be a man of elegance, much of this is reflected from the actor who played him. Connery’s French home is an epitome of elegance that boasts the shimmering Mediterranean Sea. The vast manor is sprawled with an abundance of greenery against a backdrop of ocean blues, an indoor swimming pool, and large amounts of natural light streaming the living quarters.
