Janis Paige | Born in 1922
Undisclosed Amount – West Hollywood, California

Janis Paige is a well-known American actress and singer. Interestingly, she is one of the last surviving actors from the Golden Age of Hollywood. As an actress, Paige has cultivated a successful career that involved memorable performances in film, television, and theatre. She also received a good number of accolades throughout his career, including a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Paige was born in 1922, and she’ll be turning 100 years old a year from now. She’s already retired as an actress, and it looks like she’s been spending her retirement in a beautiful home located in West Hollywood. There aren’t many details regarding Paige’s West Hollywood home, except that there’s a sizable swimming pool in her backyard. She’ll certainly have to pay for the home’s insurance and maintenance costs, but luckily, it’s something that her $1.5 million net worth can easily cover.

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